The Eyes have it!

February 17, 2021

The eyes are a sensitive organ and are susceptible to injury and infection.  Owners should act quickly if they suspect that their pet has an issue with their eyes because early intervention can protect the long term sight of your pet.

Your pet’s eyes should be bright, clear and shiny with both pupils looking the same.  If they are dull, cloudy or change in colour or if the pupils are different to each other then this could mean something is wrong.

Other visible clues

  • Inflamed (red), swollen or sore
  • Excess tearing or discharge
  • Your pet seems confused or is bumping into things
  • Your pet is rubbing their eyes or blinking more than usual

The eyes can also indicate other health issues.  In cats, it is possible to detect blood pressure issues from changes observed within the eye.

Book an eye appointment

Corneal Ulcer

One of the more urgent eye conditions your pet may suffer from is a corneal ulcer.  The cornea is the transparent part of the eye and an ulcer can develop as a result of an injury or a foreign object causing trauma to the cornea.

An ulcer can be difficult to spot so is usually diagnosed with a special stain. The stain is dropped into the eye and binds to the ulcer making it more visible.  If an ulcer is left untreated it can deepen. This will cause pain and put the integrity of the eyeball at risk. Treatment should be sought quickly if an owner suspects an eye injury  It is important that if you suspect an eye injury that the eye is examined quickly so that treatment can be provided to ensure the best outcome for your pet.

For more information on eye health, visit the PDSA website.

If you are concerned about your pet’s eyes or any aspect of their health, call the team for advice on 01772 639800 OR 01253 766352 or open a chat on PetsApp.


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