Rowan Vets’ guide to puppy neutering

July 14, 2023

Part of being a responsible pet owner is making the decision to have your puppy neutered. Not only does this prevent any unwanted litters, but it also provides your puppy with many different benefits.

Take a look at Rowan Vets’ guide to puppy neutering below and contact our team if you have any further questions.

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Population Control

Neutering your puppy helps to control the population of dogs in Lancashire and further afield. Many shelters and rescue organisations are overcrowded with unwanted dogs and neutering your puppy can help prevent unwanted litters that could contribute to this problem.

Health Benefits

Our Vet Ruth advises that neutering can have health benefits for both male and female dogs. For male dogs, neutering can reduce the risk of certain types of cancers, and it can help prevent testicular and prostate problems. For female dogs, spaying (the female equivalent of neutering) can reduce the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cysts, and uterine infections. Contact our team today for more information on these conditions.

Behavioural Benefits

Neutering can also have behavioural benefits for dogs. Male dogs that are castrated are less likely to roam or exhibit sexually aggressive behaviour. Female dogs that are spayed are less likely to exhibit behaviour associated with their heat cycles, such as crying or restlessness. They will also not be hassled by male dogs for being in season when out walking.

Timing it Right

The timing of neutering can vary depending on the breed of dog and Rowan Vets’ recommendations. In general, most puppies are neutered between six and nine months of age. However, some breeds may benefit from being neutered earlier or later. It is important to discuss the timing of neutering with one of our vets to determine the best approach for your individual dog. Contact our team today.

The Neutering Process

The process of neutering is slightly different for male and female dogs.

In males, the testicles are removed through a small incision in the scrotum. In females, the ovaries and uterus are removed through an incision in the abdomen. The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and your dog will require some recovery time to heal. Our team of nurses will be able to advise on what healthy healing should look like in your own dog once they are discharged from Rowan Vets.

So, there you have it – we hope you found our vet’s advice on everything you need to know about neutering a puppy helpful. To summarise, puppy neutering can have many benefits, including population control, health benefits, and behavioural benefits. It is important to discuss the pros and cons of neutering with your vet to determine the best approach for your individual puppy.

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