Did you know that pets can sunburn too?
July 26, 2021
Pets are as prone to burning in the sun just as we are. Both dogs and cats LOVE to snooze in the sun and pets that have a white or light coloured fur and skin are particularly susceptible to burning. It’s important that you protect them but human sunscreen is not safe for our pets. Human products commonly contain Zinc which is toxic to dogs. Owners need to look for a pets-afe sunscreen that doesn’t contain the toxic ingredient Zinc which will provide them with the protection they need.
To find out more about how to protect your pet in the sun, head over to the PDSA website HERE. There’s a great little video showing you how to apply sunscreen to your pet!
Sunburn is painful and if your pet is severely burned you should seek veterinary advice straight away.
If you have any concerns about the health of your pet, call the team on 01772 639800 OR 01253 766352 or open a chat on PetsApp.
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Photo by Teymur Mirzazade on Unsplash